LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness in Health Education Resolution | UPDATE

Some AMAZING news from Barbara Miller, the BCPTA Resolution Committee Chairperson for the LGBTQ+ Inclusiveness in Health Education resolution passed last May at the CA State PTA Convention.

Hello LGBTQ+ Resolution committee!

Today I received some good news from CAPTA Resolutions Chair Michelle Eichinger. After she received the email from National PTA that our resolution was not accepted for consideration for the 2016 convention, she received numerous emails from the National PTA President and the National PTA Chair of the Health Commission. National PTA is currently working on an LGBTQ+ resolution of their own and they will be using part of our resolution and the recently passed Indiana State PTA resolution. They are currently drafting their own resolution using both our research and the research done by Indiana State PTA and will be presenting it to the membership at National PTA convention in Orlando in 2016.

Michelle did not know exactly what part of ours they will be using, but she promised to keep me updated and added that CAPTA officers are all very excited and proud that our National organization is recognizing that there are serious issues facing the LGBTQ+ community. 

We’re VERY EXCITED too!!

For the full text of the resolution, follow this link:

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